Athletics Pages » Meet Your Athletic Trainers

Meet Your Athletic Trainers

What is an Athletic Trainer?
An athletic trainer (ATC) is a certified and licensed health care professional who practices in the field of sports medicine. The role of the ATC is HEALTH and SAFETY, including: prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of emergent, acute, or chronic injuries and medical conditions.
Who are the Kalāheo HS athletic trainers?
Kristie Tokushige, MS, ATC
Kristie Tokushige
**Bio coming soon**
Phone: 808-305-0283
Fax: 808-254-7907, attn. Athletic Trainers or K. Tokushige
Susie Ward, MS, ATC
Susie Ward
**Bio coming soon**
Phone: 808-305-0283
Fax: 808-254-7907, attn. Athletic Trainers or S. Ward
Where is the Athletic Training Room?
The Kalāheo Athletic Training Room is located in K building, in the hallway between the boys/girls athletic locker rooms and next to the weight room. The athletic trainers' office is located next to the room, in the hallway that leads to the girls athletic locker room.