Attendance Policy



EXPECTATION:  All students are required to attend classes daily and be present in their classes on time.  If a student is absent, he/she will submit an excuse note to the administrative office upon return to school.  The excuse note must have the following information:  (1) student’s legal name, (2) date(s) of absence, (3) reason for absence, (4) signature of parent/guardian and (5) phone contact number. 


The note must be submitted to the attendance clerk from 7:30 to 7:55 am and morning recess.  The student will receive an admit form to indicate to teachers this was an excused absence.  All notes are subject to verification by the attendance clerk and vice principals. 



 First Level

Absence 1 to 3 – Warning and counseling by teacher.

Absence 4 – Referral to Saturday School by alpha Vice Principal.  Parent Notice to be sent home by attendance clerk.

Second Level

Absence 5 to 7 – Warning and counseling by teacher/counselor. 

Absence 8 – Mandatory parent/alpha Vice Principal conference.  Referral for SST by alpha Vice Principal.

Third Level

Absence 10 and over (all day) – Referral to Attorney General Office for Truancy Petition.  Mandatory court involvement.

Subsequent absences may lead to this action:

GED screening.

Act 162 – Disciplinary Exception to Compulsory Education.

4140 – Voluntary Exception to Compulsory Education.




·         Students who are tardy for school and for classes throughout the school day receive lunch detention for that day.

·         Students who are tardy after lunch will serve lunch detention the following day,

·         Morning lockout is held in the courtyard from 8:00am - 8:10am.

·         During the school day, a satellite tardy station is located between buildings L and A.

·         Students with class in buildings L, B, A, E, M, J & K may use this satellite station.

·         Students with class in buildings C, F, D & H will go to the front office.

·         Teachers return the Tardy Detention pass to students.

·         Teachers may use the pass to excuse the student 1-2 minutes prior to bell if student is buying lunch. Write the time and teacher signature on the pass.

·         Students use the pass to check in to Tardy Detention in the cafeteria.

·         Students who do not attend lunch detention will be assigned double lunch detention by an administrator.

·         Failure to report to the assigned double lunch detention is considered insubordination. Insubordination shall result in suspension.


Clarification of Tardy notes:

· If a student is tardy, he/she may submit a tardy note to the administrative office upon arrival at school. The tardy note must have the following information: (1) student’s legal name, (2) date of tardy, (3) reason for tardiness, (4) printed name & signature of parent/guardian and (5) phone contact number. All notes are subject to verification. Reasons for an excused tardy would include appointments in the morning submitted with verification from the doctor or other professional’s office, unavoidable traffic delays (they happen and are broadcast on the morning news or communicated by staff members), car trouble (flat tire, dead car battery, engine failure), or a late city or school bus ride. Unexcused tardy reasons are those under a high school student's control - woke up late, late for pick up, stopped off for a purchase at a store, parent dropping off student late, etc. Students must solve these issues.


Expectation: All Students are required to attend classes daily and be present in their classes on time. If a student is absent, he/she will submit an excuse note to the office upon return to school. The excuse note must have the following information: (1) student's legal name, (2) date, (3) reason for absence, (4) signature of parent, and (5) contact phone number


Parent Notification:  The automated telephone system will inform parents of student absences for the previous day. Parents must act immediately to rectify the situation if parental action is warranted.


Cuts:  Leaving class without permission or leaving class with permission and not returning in a timely manner will be considered a cut.  A cut is an unexcused absence and a disciplinary infraction.  Appropriate consequences will take place.


Authorized School Activities:  A student who participates in school sponsored activities (e.g. field trips, athletic events, ROTC, ASK events) will not be penalized for absences or tardies as a result of participation in these activities provided the student has legitimate authorization.  The student will be allowed to make up all missed assignments.


Excused Absences:  Examples of excused absence are illness, medical or dental appointments, death in the family or serious personal/family problems.  The student with an excused absence will be allowed to make up missed assignments.


Unexcused Absences:  Examples of unexcused absence are babysitting, waking up late, missing the bus or transportation problems.  The student with an unexcused absence will NOT be allowed to make up missed assignments.


Voluntary Extended Absences:  Examples are planned family vacations, college visitations or death/emergency family trips.  Permission can be obtained prior to the trip from the Principal of Kalaheo.  Parents will write a letter to the principal listing the dates of the trip and the reason for the trip.  Principal will then

distribute copies of the letter to the teachers concerned.  The student will be allowed to make up missed assignments but the teacher may substitute alternate assignments due to the length of the expected absence.


Disciplinary Suspensions:  Out of school suspension for disciplinary infractions will be considered Administrative Leave.  The student will be allowed to make up missed assignments.  Teachers are notified of all student suspensions.