Dr. K Shinno » Health Information

Health Information

Medical Requirements

The State Department of Health requires that students entering the Hawaii Department of Education public schools (DOE) for the first time must have the following:

1. Tuberculin skin test (TB) - No charge at Kane‘ohe Nursing Office, phone: 233-5450.
Student can not be enrolled without proof of a negative TB test.

a. Must be completed within one year before first entrance into school in Hawaii, (preschool or K to 12).

b. The Tuberculin test (Mantoux) must be be performed by a U.S. licensed Medical Doctor (M.D.), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Advanced Practive Registered Nurse (APRN). Physician's Assistant (PA), or Hawaii Department of Health.

c. Student will not be allowed to register without proof of negative T.B. test. The certicate must include:
•The dates of administration and reading of the Mantouz skin test (PPD).
•The transverse diamenter of induration in millimeters
•The signature or stamp of the MD, DO, APRN, PA or clinic

2. A completed Student Health Record (Form 14) including a physical examination and all required immunizations.
A signed statement and appointment card from your child's doctor.

Students transferrring from Hawaii's private and parochial schools must also comply with the health requirements listed above.

Physical Examinations: It is recommended that incoming 7th graders from Hawaii's schools receive a physical examination before September so that our medical history on each student will be up to date. Every doctor should have Form 14 for this check-up.